A bill from his lawyer arrived on Tom’s doorstep one morning. It read: ”For crossing the road to discuss your case: $45. For the re-crossing the road on discovering it wasn’t you: $45.”
A lady, traveling in a group determined to outdo one another in their search for antiques, one day called upon the leader and excitedly remarked: ”I cam across something marvelous. An archaeologist friend sent me the very cup from which Socrates drank the hemlock.”
“Are you sure it’s authentic?” gasped the pace-setter.
“Authentic?” repeated the woman. “Why when they dug it up it was marked 350 B.C.”
On the eve of his transfer to
Thirteen years later, he returned to
Congratulating Mrs. Kelly on her fruitfulness, the priest looked around and asked, “But where is Mr. Kelly?”
“Sean?” the haggard woman said. “Oh, he went to
Megan, a beautiful woman is working her first night and two male customers on at either end of the bar, keep asking her to go out. Megan wants nothing to do with either one of them. Towards the end of the night one guy slips her a piece of paper with his address written on it and his house key. She takes the paper and the key and whispers to the guy, “Get into bed, turn out all the lights, and I’ll be there at midnight.”
Then she goes to the other end of the bar and hands the paper and the key to the other guy and says, “Meet me here at midnight. I’ll be in bed with the lights out.”
Just after this guy gets married, he was invited out for a night with “the boys.” He accepts and then tells his new bride not to worry, because he’d “be home by midnight….promise!”
Well, the darts were landing just right and the grog was going down easy, and at around 3 a.m. drunk as can be the guy finally stumbles home. Just as he gets in the door, the cuckoo clock started, and cuckooed three times. Quickly he realized she’d probably been woken up by the clock, so he cuckooed another nine times to make her think it was midnight. He was really proud of himself, having the quick wits, even when smashed, to escape a possible conflict.
Next morning the missus asked him what time he got in and he tells her, “12 o’clock, dear!” Whew! Got away with that one!
“Hmmm, I think we need a new cuckoo clock,” she says over her morning coffee.
“Why is that?” the husband asks.
“Well, it cuckooed three times, said “shoot”, cuckooed another four times, farted, cuckooed another three times, cleared its throat; cuckooed two more times, and then giggled.”
A man walks into a jewelry store to buy his girlfriend an engagement ring. Looking behind the glass case, he comes across an exquisite band with a handsome-sized rock in its center. “Excuse me sir,” the gentleman says to the salesman. “How much is this ring?”
“Ah, that’s a beautiful piece,” the salesman replies. “It goes for $10,000.”
“My God!” the man exclaimed. “That’s a lot of money!”
“Yes, but a diamond is forever.”
“Perhaps,” the gentleman replied, “But my marriage won’t last that long!”
A gangster rushed into a saloon, shooting right and left, yelling, “All you dirty skunks get outta here!”
The customers fled – except for an Englishman, who stood at the bar calmly finishing his drink. “Well?” snapped the gangster, waving his gun.
“Well,” said the Englishman, “there certainly were a lot of them, weren’t they?”
Copyright 2008 by Sujanto Rusli
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